Taxa map Species of the order Decapoda Europe 13 Afruca tangeri West African fiddler crab 7 Grapsus grapsus Red rock crab 6 Pachygrapsus marmoratus Marbled rock crab 6 Procambarus clarkii Red swamp crawfish South America 2 Gen. et sp. indet. 5 Goniopsis cruentata 6 Ocypode quadrata Atlantic ghost crab
Europe 13 Afruca tangeri West African fiddler crab 7 Grapsus grapsus Red rock crab 6 Pachygrapsus marmoratus Marbled rock crab 6 Procambarus clarkii Red swamp crawfish South America 2 Gen. et sp. indet. 5 Goniopsis cruentata 6 Ocypode quadrata Atlantic ghost crab