Mimicry is an evolutionally shaped resemblance to other organisms or developing own features to discourage or mislead a predator. This show presents examples of mimicry from orchids and insects. Explanations for each species are provided in the fields "Learn more".
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Tithorea harmonia
Harmonia tiger-wing
Brasil, Goiás, Formosa, Salto do Itiquira.
Another example of Müllerian mimicry: toxic species not belonging to the genus Heliconius also evolved resemblance (bright colours and contrasting "tiger" patterns on wings), jointly making stronger warning to predators that avoid them as inedible. In this collection compare with Heliconius demeter and Heliconius sp., but also with non-toxic, "edible" Eueides isabella dianasa, very similar to Tithorea harmonia.