Reserva Natural das Berlengas Photographs from the Berlengas Nature Reserve, located in the Atlantic, 10-15 km from the coast of Portugal.

Reserva Natural das Berlengas
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Reserva Natural das Berlengas
Chicks of Larus michahellis.
Portugal, ilha da Berlenga.
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Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas Reserva Natural das Berlengas
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The reserve covers all the islands of the Berlengas archipelago along with a large marine part. The archipelago is included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Despite the small distance from the mainland, the fauna and flora have developed endemic forms (in this collection, the lizard Podarcis carbonelli berlengensis).